Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Having a husband.

Having a husband is probably one of the most challenging jobs I have to do. In the nicest way that can possibly be said(depending on when I'm talking about him). This morning he takes Fallon to school and my phone rings and he's dropped Fallon off at school but now he's out of gas! And he's screaming at me!! Because his car is blocking 2 lanes on a 4 lane busy road! School is only a 7 minute wall from our house so a 2 mins drive. So I tell him to get out and push his car and walk home and get the gas can. Well my husband is out of his mind(he's an artist so he can only think one way and the one way is the only way/right way in his head) he tells me to wake up the other boys and get them dressed and come bring him a gas can because he doesn't want to leave his car unattended(the car that doesn't run because its out if gas- pretty sure no ones going to steal it there buddy) so I get the kids up and get him the gas can and of course it wasn't enough gas so we had to go to the gas station and we bicker back and forth at each other calling each other stupid. I vow to myself I'm never going to talk to him again and if he ever runs out if gas again im definitely leaving him stranded. Well we go to work each separate ways and spend the day apart which is good for the both of us. He calls me after work that he's at the store and talks to me the entire time in an Indian accent and I'm cracking up the entire time! I totally forgot about the gas incident and I remembered why I married him. Or when he was looking in the drawer for a teaspoon but all the labels on our measuring spoons are scratched off so you have no idea what you are measuring with them and he said oh good orange scratch-y spoon just the size I needed I remembered why I married him. It's the little things and I wish we had more of those moments.

Being married is such a challenge and its not for the weak hearted. I am envious of those whose marriage comes so easy everyday because I find that to be so rare. Not everyday is my marriage a challenge or do I vow to never speak to him again but I think in our case we have 2 very strong creative personalities and we can butt heads but sometimes we can look out the window see the same thing and not say a word and start cracking up we just get each other I think sometimes we are just too stubborn to always get each other... I don't know what's wrong but if your relationship is perfect I envy you and if you have to put effort into yours I feel your pain.

I will leave you with pictures of the orange scratchy spoon and a picture I my outfit today. My friend gave me this dress and she said it has navy in it I don't know how to wear it so then I got a complex then felt challenged on how to wear navy. So I just wore it with every neutral color ever...

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