Sunday, January 27, 2013


Kirin is finally walking! 14 1/2 months old, my latest walker. If I were him I probably would have waited too. He's constantly being knocked down. He is so proud of himself when he does it! His face is huge with a smile as he does it. It's very bittersweet for me. From here the time flies. I'm scared to close my eyes at night, it feels like by morning they will be 7, go to school, giving me hugs and kisses won't be priority, have opinions on what they are going to wear, and give me sass! None of that is what I want, as awesome as it is to see Fallon become his own person and have a sense of humor and be a funny kind boy I want to be selfish and keep them small forever!

Still living in chaos of construction. Hopefully getting tile tomorrow for our master bathroom. I'm loosing steam and interest in all of the renovations and we still have so much more to go. I hope this is the last house we live in! Or the next one is complete with all the things we want! I'm working very hard on getting rid of things I can't stand the clutter and there seems to be no place to put anything and we aren't even unpacked all the way! I hope I find the energy tomorrow to unpack some of the garage and paint! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Having a husband.

Having a husband is probably one of the most challenging jobs I have to do. In the nicest way that can possibly be said(depending on when I'm talking about him). This morning he takes Fallon to school and my phone rings and he's dropped Fallon off at school but now he's out of gas! And he's screaming at me!! Because his car is blocking 2 lanes on a 4 lane busy road! School is only a 7 minute wall from our house so a 2 mins drive. So I tell him to get out and push his car and walk home and get the gas can. Well my husband is out of his mind(he's an artist so he can only think one way and the one way is the only way/right way in his head) he tells me to wake up the other boys and get them dressed and come bring him a gas can because he doesn't want to leave his car unattended(the car that doesn't run because its out if gas- pretty sure no ones going to steal it there buddy) so I get the kids up and get him the gas can and of course it wasn't enough gas so we had to go to the gas station and we bicker back and forth at each other calling each other stupid. I vow to myself I'm never going to talk to him again and if he ever runs out if gas again im definitely leaving him stranded. Well we go to work each separate ways and spend the day apart which is good for the both of us. He calls me after work that he's at the store and talks to me the entire time in an Indian accent and I'm cracking up the entire time! I totally forgot about the gas incident and I remembered why I married him. Or when he was looking in the drawer for a teaspoon but all the labels on our measuring spoons are scratched off so you have no idea what you are measuring with them and he said oh good orange scratch-y spoon just the size I needed I remembered why I married him. It's the little things and I wish we had more of those moments.

Being married is such a challenge and its not for the weak hearted. I am envious of those whose marriage comes so easy everyday because I find that to be so rare. Not everyday is my marriage a challenge or do I vow to never speak to him again but I think in our case we have 2 very strong creative personalities and we can butt heads but sometimes we can look out the window see the same thing and not say a word and start cracking up we just get each other I think sometimes we are just too stubborn to always get each other... I don't know what's wrong but if your relationship is perfect I envy you and if you have to put effort into yours I feel your pain.

I will leave you with pictures of the orange scratchy spoon and a picture I my outfit today. My friend gave me this dress and she said it has navy in it I don't know how to wear it so then I got a complex then felt challenged on how to wear navy. So I just wore it with every neutral color ever...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Being a momma!

My oldest son is 7 and i'm a mom of 3! everyday I feel like I'm still figuring out how to be a mom and wondering when I'm going to feel like an adult! What the heck! Is this normal! Haha nothing about my life ever feels normal.

I want a really clean house but then I have to force myself into cleaning. I say things to myself like for the next hour you can only clean! I can't even imagine my mom saying things like that even if it is in her head! We had the cleanest house growing up. I just don't understand where the time comes in for all these things- here's my day in the quickest run down. Giving myself a bath, feeding the kids breakfast, changing diapers, getting them dressed, taking a few pictures for my etsy store, cleaning for my one hour, doing laundry, going to the school to volunteer, picking Fallon up from school, bank, post office, homework and reading with Fallon, cooking dinner, feeding the kids, pto meeting at school, cleaning up dinner, baths and bed. And in between all of that is entertaining 3 kids! Sitting here in my bed looking at the Internet and blogging is making me feel guilty like I should be doing something else. Oh and I forgot I brought home a volunteer project from Fallon's school and worked on that for a while this afternoon. Which means I also must have left out the part where I had to be day drinking because I must have been drunk to bring home more work for myself! (No really I wasn't drinking- maybe I hit my head.. Really hard)

(I have no readers but I will write and pretend I do) my husband and I also own a tattoo shop and the accountant emailed me today and said I see no reconciliations in your records for the whole year... Which is suppose to be done very month and its a log of all transactions we did all year... So that looks like that will be my weekend inputting all of that. But instead of working on that I was cutting out 50 little people for the school!! That's probably the real reason I feel guilty sitting here on my blog.

Kirin took a few steps tonight! Maybe he will walk after all. He's the only baby I have ever seen that pushes around one of those baby walker things that you hold onto and walk with - crying his eyes out. He now says teeth (while pointing to mine), football, and spongebob. Regan still refuses to use the toilet but gives me tons of hugs and misses throughout the day so it's hard to be upset with him. Fallon is turning into his dad he is in love with video games which just a few months ago he had no interest! I'm so sad about it. But he has been getting 104% on his spelling tests and had a great report card!

Sunday, January 13, 2013


The other day my client said its a shame we aren't born old and get younger as we age so we can appreciate our youth. Amen to that!

Picture of sweet regan. I want to be the person regan always sees in me.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fallon turns 7.

I'm not even sure how I can possibly have a 7 year old for multiple reasons. I'm just not sure how I can possibly be old enough to have a 7 year old! I'm surprised that I am able to keep a human being alive that long seeing as I can't even figure out to keep a plant alive! So it turns out its easier to raise a human rather than a plant.

Really I'm still in shock that he will be 7 tomorrow. It's just crazy how much he has taught me and how much we have grown together. Not a day goes by where he does test my patience or push my buttons but not a day goes by where he doesn't make me a better person/mother. He is so silly and he doesn't even know how funny he is. Which makes him so much more funny. I wish I could look at life the way he does sometimes.

Tonight as he was laying down I got into bed with him (which I try and do a few nights a week but I want to work on doing it every night) which is such a special and sweet time to talk with him and reflect on different parts of the day or life. Tonight we talked about how he would be turning 7 tomorrow and he told me that he didn't want to turn 7 tomorrow. I asked him why and he said he didn't like the number and wanted to stay 6. I explained to him how I didn't like getting older either but it's nothing we can control and how we shouldn't focus on things that were out of our control but put the energy into the positive. Of course he just nodded his head like his 7 year old self cared about my hippie positive peace and love mumbo jumbo. I said Fallon what age would you like to be and he thought for a minute and came back with 43. It was everything in me to it die laughing right then but I said well 7 is one more year closer to 43, just 36 more years to go. He smiled his devilish smirk and looked content to be 7.

Happy birthday Fallon Gunnar Stonewall Asbury-Cornett! I look forward to meeting 43 year old you! ( no rush though I look forward to all the nights you let me lay in bed and talk with you)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

For old senile me.

I just want to have this to go back and read someday so I can remember how good life was to me. I am just so lucky to have such great boys! They might make me crazy, or scream more than I want to, hurt each other, get stitches or chip their teeth but they make my world go round!
Tonight Fallon just wanted Kirin to sleep in bed with him and regan wants to hug and kiss me all the time and Kirin is just dying to walk.

I have so many fantastic moments in my day and as soon as I sit down with my blog it's hard to being them to mind. I hope I get better at this.